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Fat Loss Helpline
Weight Loss Helpline
Weight Loss Tips
22.07.2017 - By Dr Jyotsna Verma
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Feeling good in your body, in your clothes and having the figure can sometimes seem impossible and yet, there are plenty of tips to lose weight effectively . Apply all of these points or just a few to see the difference.
Here are the few selected weight loss tips, nothing new for you, little tips full of common sense, I'll explain it in a moment.Add protein to your diet
In the field of weight loss , protein is the king of nutrients. Your body burns calories while digesting the protein you eat, a diet high in protein can boost metabolism by up to 80-100 calories per day.
The protein is very satiating , they help reduce your appetite . Read this carefully, some studies show that people eat up to 400 calories less per day on a high protein diet.Avoid processed foods
The processed foods are usually high in sugars added, saturated fat and therefore calories.
If you have to remember one trick to lose weight is to avoid processed products at all costs. These modified foods are made for you to consume and are more likely to cause addiction than unprocessed foods.Choose unprocessed foods
One of the best things you can do to lose weight effectively is to base your diet on healthy, unprocessed foods.
You thus eliminate the vast majority of added sugars and added fats. Most unmodified foods are naturally healthy and contain all of the essential nutrients your body needs.
In the process of losing weight , you will naturally turn to healthy, whole foods.Limit your intake of added sugar
It is well known that too much sugar is one of the main causes of metabolic diseases , diabetes, obesity and heart disease.
For example, on average, Americans eat about 20 sugar stones each day. This amount is usually hidden in various processed foods, such as bread, cola. So you can consume a lot of sugar without even realizing it.
Since sugar has many names in ingredient lists, it can be very difficult to determine how much sugar a product actually contains.
Minimizing your intake of added sugar is a great way to improve your diet.Avoid liquid calories
Liquid calories come from sugary soft drinks, fruit juices, chocolate drinks, and energy drinks. These drinks are harmful to health with an increased risk of obesity . One study showed a drastic 60% increase in the risk of obesity in children, for each daily serving of a sugary drink.
I'll tell you, your brain doesn't register liquid calories the same way solid calories do, so you end up adding those calories on top of everything you eat.Limit your intake of refined carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates are carbohydrates from which most of their beneficial nutrients and fibers have been removed.
The refining process leaves only easily digestible carbohydrates, which can increase the risk of overeating and illness . The main dietary sources of refined carbohydrates are white flour, white bread, sodas, pastries, snacks, candies, pasta, breakfast cereals, and added sugar.Eat more fruits and vegetables
The fruits and vegetables are extremely healthy food and dieting.
In addition to being rich in water, nutrients and fiber, they generally have a very low energy density. This makes it possible to eat large portions without consuming too many calories. Many studies have shown that people who eat more fruits and vegetables tend to be in better shape and lose weight faster.Try the young intermittent
The intermittent fasting is a dietary pattern that oscillates between periods of fasting and eating.
There are several ways to do intermittent fasting, such as the 16/8 method which is a 16 hour period without eating and an 8 hour period during which it is possible to eat.
Typically, these methods cause you to eat fewer calories overall, without having to consciously restrict calories during meal times. This should lead to rapid weight loss , along with many other health benefits like resetting insulin and lowering blood sugar.Drink green tea (unsweetened)
The green tea is a natural beverage rich in antioxidants.
Drinking green tea is linked to many benefits, such as increased fat burning and weight loss.
Green tea can increase energy expenditure by 4% and increase selective fat burning by up to 17%, especially harmful belly fat according to some American studies.
Matcha green tea is a variety of powdered green tea that may have even more powerful health benefits than regular green tea.Drink plenty of water
And there, surprise, I give you an advice so simple that one could doubt it, but drinking water can help to lose weight.
Drinking water before meals can also lead to reduced calorie intake , especially for middle-aged and older people. Water is particularly good for weight loss effectively when it replaces other drinks high in calories and sugar.Replace some fat with coconut oil
Coconut oil is high in fats called medium chain triglycerides , which are metabolized differently from other fats. Studies show that they can slightly boost your metabolism , while helping you eat fewer calories.
Note that this doesn't mean you have to add this fat to your diet, but just replace some of your other fat sources with coconut oil.Add eggs to your diet
Eggs are the ultimate weight loss food . They're low in calories, high in protein, and loaded with all kinds of nutrients including omega 3s . Foods high in protein have been shown to reduce appetite and increase satiety , compared to foods that contain less protein.
As part of your weight loss meals , test an egg-based breakfast over several weeks, this diet may well surprise you and bring very good results.Try a glucomannan supplement
Glucomannan is one of the many proven weight loss products. This natural, water-soluble dietary fiber comes from the roots of the konjac plant.
Glucomannan is low in calories, it takes 17 times its volume in the stomach and provides significant satiety. It also reduces the absorption of proteins and fats. Its exceptional ability to absorb water makes glucomannan effective for weight loss . Take one capsule 15 - 20 minutes before a meal.Take stock from time to time
Realizing that the work already started to bear these fruits is very important to stay motivated in your goal of weight loss in the long term.
There are many effective ways to take stock, keeping a journal with your weight results, body measurements, taking pictures along the way, using a weight tracker app.Eat more slowly
I need to tell you something important, it takes about 15 minutes for your digestive system to send a message to your brain to let it know that you are full . If you eat too fast, you can eat way too many calories before your body even realizes that you are full.
Chewing more slowly can help you eat fewer calories for weight loss.Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep is incredibly important for weight loss , as well as for regulating your future weight.
Studies have shown that people who are sleep deprived are up to 55% more likely to become obese than those who get enough sleep. This number is even higher for children.
This is in part because sleep deprivation disrupts daily fluctuations in appetite hormones, leading to poor appetite regulation.Eat more fiber
Foods rich in fiber can help with weight loss . Meals high in water-soluble fiber can be especially helpful, as this type of fiber can help increase feelings of fullness.
Fiber can delay stomach emptying, make the stomach bloat, and promote the release of satiety hormones . Ultimately, it makes us eat less naturally, without having to think about it.
Increase your fiber intake gradually to avoid abdominal discomfort, such as bloating, cramps, and diarrhea.Do weight training and cardio
Now I'm going to tell you a secret, loss of muscle mass is a common side effect of low calorie diets . If you lose a lot of muscle your body will start burning fewer calories than before, maintaining muscle mass is crucial.
By lifting weights regularly, you can prevent this loss of muscle mass . As an added benefit, you will also feel much healthier.
Add to that cardio , jogging, running, biking, brisk walking, or even hiking is a great way to burn calories and improve mental and physical health.
Cardio has been shown to improve many risk factors for heart disease. It can also help reduce body weight.
Cardio appears to be particularly effective in reducing the dangerous belly fat that builds up around your organs and causes metabolic disease.Use protein powder
People who are looking to lose weight effectively usually increase their protein intake. However, for those who do not, taking a dietary supplement rich in whey protein (whey protein) is an effective way to increase protein intake and thus preserve your muscle mass.
A US study shows that replacing some of your calories with whey protein can lead to significant weight loss, while also increasing lean muscle mass.Brush your teeth after meals
Simple, yet effective, brushing your teeth immediately after eating can help limit the urge to snack or eat between meals. Indeed, many people do not feel like eating after brushing their teeth.
Therefore, if you brush your teeth after eating, you may be less tempted to have an unnecessary snack.Adopt a new lifestyle
One of the things that almost always fails in the long run is a weight loss diet or an overly restrictive diet. In fact, people who "diet" tend to gain more weight over time.
Instead of just focusing on losing weight, and how to lose weight fast make it a healthy lifestyle. Eat to become a fitter, happier, and fitter person - not just to lose weight.
By making conscious food choices, increasing your awareness, and listening to your body, weight loss should follow naturally and easily.In summary
Anyway, weight loss is established over time and with great motivation. All these tips will help you in your weight loss goal. Do not neglect taking an effective fat burner which can be of great help.Article Last Updated on - 06.01.2025
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